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Let’s start by defining an empty ref type of ResizeObserver
. This way it lets us to create a single instance once then also remove it after unmount.
const resizeObserver = useRef<ResizeObserver>()
We also need a reference to our target — or observed — element. Don’t forget to pass it to the target component.
const targetRef = useRef(null)
// ...
return (
// ...
<div className="target-element" ref={targetRef} />
The important point about the refs is that they are always initially null
and then they get initialized after mount. So we need a way to know if the component mounted, this will do:
const [isMounted, setMounted] = useState(false)
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
Everything starts at mount then everything ends after unmount just like we usually do with event listeners.
useEffect(() => {
return () => removeResizeObserver();
}, [isMounted]);